New One Health Committee

It is my pleasure to introduce the IVMA’s new One Health Committee!  For those unfamiliar with the concept of One Health, the premise is that animal health, human health, and environmental health are inextricably linked, and everyone would benefit from collaboration between those fields.  One Health encompasses MANY different topics, and the IVMA One Health Committee has decided to focus our efforts on just a few subjects to start:  infectious and zoonotic disease, continuing education coordination, and antimicrobial resistance.

The committee is currently exploring several avenues to identify projects that fit with these focus subjects.  We’d love to have your help!  If you have any ideas for projects to further One Health collaboration, please share them!  You may contact the IVMA office with information to be passed along to the committee.

The possibilities for what may be accomplished with One Health collaboration are exciting!  I look forward to hearing your suggestions.  I also look forward to seeing what achievements result from the One Health Committee’s efforts.

Dr. Sherilynn Burkman, IVMA One Health Committee Chair