Category: COVID-19

Veterinary Information Network COVID-19 Information Center

The Veterinary Information Network COVID-19 Information Center provides links to resources and news about the novel coronavirus relevant to the veterinary community and pet...

March 24, 2020

Sources on shortages of both drugs and medical products

FDA maintains a drug shortage database (active always, not just in the case of COVID-19) that can be accessed here:… Alcohol-containing products, including hand...

Implementation of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

From the AVMA Government Relations – Here are links to information on the implementation of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.  More information will...

IVMA COVID-19 statement

IVMA-One-Health-COVID-19-statement For accurate and timely information on COVID-19: Idaho   State of Idaho Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)  Global   Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center  CDC   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus...